Sit Stay Standup! was developed as part of the Global Game Jam 2024 at Ubisoft Berlin.

'Welcome to 'Sit Stay Standup!' where you, a dog in a cat costume, take the spotlight! Woofing up a storm, you have to bark out hilarious jokes to a purrfectly discerning audience of cats. But beware: if your jokes fall flat, our favorite spooted comedian has to dodge an array of flying items. Tomatoes, fishbones,  and even the dreaded catfood cans will be hurled at you by your feline critics.
Can you unleash the ultimate laughs and avoid being the butt of the joke in this game of cat and dog comedy?"

You're disguised as a cat, but your disguise takes damage from the tomatoes and cans - take enough damage and it's game over.

You also have a comedy score - make sure you tell your jokes as soon as possible to keep the bar up, and your score will go up when you collect the bones. As soon as the comedy bar is empty - you loose.

You win by finishing a comedy routine! ~8-13 jokes, depending on the difficulty.

 Learn the patterns of the projectiles and rounds, and you'll finish the set with ease :)

If performance issues using Chromium, there's a Windows download, or you can try Firefox (Audio is especially likely to struggle in WebGL).


Download 44 MB

Install instructions

unzip into any directory, and click on "good-boi.exe"

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